Can you see marriage as a railroad track? “Two shall become one” does not mean individual identities are lost or merged after being married. Two separate rails heading in the same direction to reach the same destination, however, do become a single track. The rails even seem to converge together as one in the horizon. It is an illusion, of course, but that vision helps them to stay side-by-side along the way. Railway ties keep the rails together--ties of companionship, communication, community, compassion, and communion with God. These ties that bind are anchored with nails of honesty, humility, humour, and hope. If ties are absent or spaced too far apart, the train of everyday living can be easily derailed from breakage of the track. May you be blessed as rails with another in your journey of life.
Welcome! I am a physician, punster, and poet. Hope you enjoy my personal reflections particularly influenced by literature and film, forming the 'map' of my life.